Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Roger Taylor Old Boy 1959 -1962 Tel. 01604 787749
Jeff Turner Old Boy 1958-1961 Tel. 02089838194
Ben Fox Old Boy 1961-1963 Mobile 07973349345
All the above are Old Boys of Pishiobury who made the most of the school and have tried to trace old boys and have between us held four reunions around the second week of September our first being 2000 and agreat time was had by all that attended, please contact us if you read this site we are always pleased to hear from any old boy from any year.

Ron Brabbins lying on bed with old boy Paul Simpson, this was a nursing home near Sawbridgeworth before Ron transferred to Peterborough.

Ron was a Teacher and Asst Head Of Pishiobury and lived with his Late Wife Kate in a school bungalow, Ron came to Pishiobury in 1947 and left in 1963, both Ron and Kate were teachers and dedicated their lives to teaching.

Paul Simpson was at Pishiobury from 1948 till 1953 and is now 70yrs of age and worked as a builder and LGV driver before retiring although he does do the odd building job when he feels up to it, he is living in Hatfield Green and would love to hear from any old boy especially those from his era

Hope every old boy can remember the great staircase we were only allowed up and down when we had fire practice all other times we had to use the back stairs.

I am sure the lad in the middle is Ken Turner a keen photographer taught by Housemaster John Suter who are the other two any one recongize them get in touch.