Roger Taylor Old Boy 1959 -1962 Tel. 01604 787749
Jeff Turner Old Boy 1958-1961 Tel. 02089838194
Ben Fox Old Boy 1961-1963 Mobile 07973349345
All the above are Old Boys of Pishiobury who made the most of the school and have tried to trace old boys and have between us held four reunions around the second week of September our first being 2000 and agreat time was had by all that attended, please contact us if you read this site we are always pleased to hear from any old boy from any year.
Hi, my dad went to Pishobury but I'm unsure if the years he attended. Unfortunately he passed away in June 2008, his name was Derek Herring. Is there any way I could find out some more information if his time at Pishobury? Regards, Becky
Hi I'm sorry to hear about your father. I was there 73 to.76 and surname sounds very much to me. But I don't know untill I see photos or you can say yes he was there between those years. I hope I can be of help.
I was there in 56 to 58 and the name doesn’t ring a bell!
I was at Pishiobury from 1954 to 1957 had some very good times, staff names that come to mind Mr.Raymond,Mr.Gower,Mr.Leonard, Mr. Bramham, Mr.Webb, Mr.Taylor, Mr.Bishop, Mr.Littlejohn, Mr. Mrs. Bennell, Ms.Copus, Mr.Bryant, some residents that come to mind George Williams, Dyer Davis, Alan Mann, Kenny Rogers, ? Sack, ? Palmer, ? Bryant, i particularly liked the annual holiday at the IOW, Saturday at the pictures I could go on forever, anyone reading this and would like to talk old times give me a ring 01707874013 I am Frank Greaves
I was there from 56 to 58 got recommitted went Chafford school in Essex did 2years got recommitted ended up in the training school redhill came out in 61 all for pinching half a crowns worth of jellies !
Anyone remember any of the Potter brothers? I'd love to hear any stories related to Alan Potter, Eugene Potter, David Potter or Gary Potter. They are my uncles, and all spent time at Pishiobury. I do have a photo of Alan whilst he was there, it was a family visiting day, I'll try and add it to this message.
Thank you so much in advance.
Bonnie Knight x
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